Blacktown City Demons vs Rockdale City Suns - H2H Team Comparison

23 June 2024 Sunday, Australia NPL NSW, Blacktown City Demons vs. Rockdale City Suns you can follow the detailed team comparison h2h for the soccer match on our page.

Blacktown City Demons Percent
Home Matches
FT 0.5 Over 96%
HT Under 2.5 87%
Double chance 1/2 83%
1.5 Over 78%
FT 4.5 Under 78%
Double chance 1/X 77%
HT Under 1.5 72%
3.5 Under 63%
Full Time 1 60%
2.5 Over 57%
Half Time X 57%
FT Odd 53%
GG / BTTS Yes 52%
HT Over 0.5 51%
HT Under 0.5 49%
GG / BTTS No 48%
FT Even 47%
2.5 Under 43%
Total Goals 2-3 41%
Double chance X/2 40%
3.5 Over 37%
Half Time 1 37%
Total Goals 4-5 33%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 32%
HT Over 1.5 28%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 26%
Full Time 2 23%
1.5 Under 22%
FT 4.5 Over 22%
Total Goals 0-1 22%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 17%
Full Time X 17%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 14%
HT Over 2.5 13%
FT 5.5 Over 9%
Correct Score 1-0 9%
Correct Score 2-0 9%
Correct Score 3-0 9%
Correct Score 3-1 9%
Correct Score 0-1 9%
Correct Score 1-1 9%
Correct Score 3-2 7%
Correct Score 1-2 7%
Half Time 2 6%
Correct Score 4-1 6%
FT 0.5 Under 4%
Any other score 4%
Correct Score 0-0 4%
Correct Score 2-2 4%
Total Goals 6+ 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 3%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 3%
Correct Score 0-2 3%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 2%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 2%
Correct Score 2-1 2%
Correct Score 4-0 2%
Correct Score 5-1 2%
Correct Score 0-3 2%
Correct Score 2-4 2%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-3 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-3 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Rockdale City Suns Percent
Away Matches
FT 0.5 Over 96%
HT Under 2.5 87%
1.5 Over 82%
FT 4.5 Under 76%
Double chance X/2 73%
Double chance 1/2 72%
HT Under 1.5 72%
Half Time X 63%
3.5 Under 59%
2.5 Over 58%
HT Under 0.5 58%
FT Even 56%
Double chance 1/X 55%
GG / BTTS Yes 55%
GG / BTTS No 45%
Full Time 2 45%
FT Odd 44%
2.5 Under 42%
HT Over 0.5 42%
3.5 Over 41%
Total Goals 2-3 41%
Total Goals 4-5 36%
HT Over 1.5 28%
Full Time X 28%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 27%
Full Time 1 27%
FT 4.5 Over 24%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 21%
Half Time 2 19%
1.5 Under 18%
Half Time 1 18%
Total Goals 0-1 18%
FT 5.5 Over 15%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 15%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 14%
HT Over 2.5 13%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 11%
Correct Score 1-1 11%
Correct Score 0-2 9%
Correct Score 0-1 8%
Correct Score 2-2 8%
Correct Score 1-2 7%
Correct Score 1-0 6%
Any other score 5%
Correct Score 0-3 5%
Correct Score 3-3 5%
Total Goals 6+ 5%
FT 0.5 Under 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 4%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 4%
Correct Score 2-0 4%
Correct Score 0-0 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 3%
Correct Score 2-1 3%
Correct Score 3-1 3%
Correct Score 0-4 3%
Correct Score 2-4 3%
Correct Score 3-0 2%
Correct Score 3-2 2%
Correct Score 4-1 2%
Correct Score 1-3 2%
Correct Score 2-3 2%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 1%
Correct Score 4-0 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 5-0 1%
Correct Score 6-0 1%
Correct Score 0-5 1%
Correct Score 1-4 1%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
12/06/2024 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 2-0 2-0
02/06/2024 Blacktown City Demons St. George Saints 1-0 3-0
12/05/2024 Blacktown City Demons Marconi Stallions 1-0 3-0
04/05/2024 Blacktown City Demons NWS Spirit FC 2-1 3-1
14/04/2024 Blacktown City Demons Central Coast II 1-0 3-1
07/04/2024 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 4-0 8-0
31/03/2024 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 1-1 2-2
10/03/2024 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 0-0 0-1
02/03/2024 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 3-0 3-2
17/02/2024 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 3-1 6-3
20/08/2023 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 0-0 1-1
06/08/2023 Blacktown City Demons St George City FA 1-0 2-2
23/07/2023 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 0-1 3-1
09/07/2023 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 1-0 3-0
25/06/2023 Blacktown City Demons Marconi Stallions 2-0 3-1
11/06/2023 Blacktown City Demons Central Coast II 1-0 4-1
28/05/2023 Blacktown City Demons Western Sydney W. II 0-0 0-0
14/05/2023 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-2
30/04/2023 Blacktown City Demons Bulls 2-1 4-1
16/04/2023 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 2-1 2-4
02/04/2023 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 0-0 2-0
19/03/2023 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 2-0 5-1
05/03/2023 Blacktown City Demons Mt Druitt Town 1-1 4-1
19/02/2023 Blacktown City Demons NWS Spirit FC 1-1 1-2
05/02/2023 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 1-0 1-1
14/08/2022 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 1-0 2-0
24/07/2022 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 1-0 4-1
26/06/2022 Blacktown City Demons North Shore Mariners 2-0 3-0
12/06/2022 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 0-1
15/05/2022 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 1-0 1-2
01/05/2022 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 1-0 1-0
24/04/2022 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 2-0 3-1
03/04/2022 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 1-1 1-2
13/03/2022 Blacktown City Demons Mt Druitt Town 1-2 4-2
13/11/2021 Blacktown City Demons Central Coast Mariners 0-0 0-1
20/06/2021 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 2-0 3-2
06/06/2021 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 1-0 2-0
30/05/2021 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 0-1 2-2
25/04/2021 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 0-0 3-0
11/04/2021 Blacktown City Demons Mt Druitt Town 0-0 0-1
28/03/2021 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 1-1 4-1
07/03/2021 Blacktown City Demons North Shore Mariners 1-0 2-0
27/02/2021 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 0-0
09/10/2020 Blacktown City Demons Western Sydney W. II 4-1 5-2
02/10/2020 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 3-0 3-0
25/09/2020 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 5-1 5-1
11/09/2020 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 1-1 1-1
28/08/2020 Blacktown City Demons Marconi Stallions 0-3 0-3
14/08/2020 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 1-2 1-2
31/07/2020 Blacktown City Demons North Shore Mariners - 0-0
15/03/2020 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 1-0 3-1
01/03/2020 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 1-0 1-0
28/07/2019 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 1-0 2-0
07/07/2019 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 1-1
30/06/2019 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 1-1 3-1
23/06/2019 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 1-0 1-0
09/06/2019 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 0-0 1-1
19/05/2019 Blacktown City Demons Hakoah Sydney City 0-0 1-0
12/05/2019 Blacktown City Demons Marconi Stallions 1-0 1-0
28/04/2019 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
31/03/2019 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 0-0 1-0
17/03/2019 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 0-0 0-1
10/03/2019 Blacktown City Demons Mt Druitt Town 1-0 1-0
18/08/2018 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
12/08/2018 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 0-0 0-2
29/07/2018 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
01/07/2018 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 0-0 1-0
17/06/2018 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 1-2
03/06/2018 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 0-0 0-1
27/05/2018 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 0-0 1-1
12/05/2018 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 0-0 1-0
28/04/2018 Blacktown City Demons Hakoah Sydney City 0-0 3-2
21/04/2018 Blacktown City Demons Marconi Stallions 0-0 0-1
11/04/2018 Blacktown City Demons Blue Mountains 0-0 9-1
07/04/2018 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 0-0 1-1
24/03/2018 Blacktown City Demons Bonnyrigg White Eagles 0-0 4-0
29/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 1-1 3-1
26/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 0-0 0-2
20/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-4
06/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 0-1
02/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons Central Coast Mariners 2-1 3-2
30/07/2017 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
16/07/2017 Blacktown City Demons Sydney Olympic 0-0 4-0
25/06/2017 Blacktown City Demons Sydney II 0-0 3-1
11/06/2017 Blacktown City Demons Bonnyrigg White Eagles 0-0 3-2
28/05/2017 Blacktown City Demons Hakoah Sydney City 0-0 2-0
21/05/2017 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 0-0 0-0
10/05/2017 Blacktown City Demons Mt Druitt Town 0-0 2-1
29/04/2017 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 0-0 3-2
20/04/2017 Blacktown City Demons Lokomotiv Cove 0-0 2-0
15/04/2017 Blacktown City Demons Parramatta Eagles 0-0 2-2
01/04/2017 Blacktown City Demons South Coast Wolves 0-0 2-0
18/03/2017 Blacktown City Demons Sutherland Sharks 0-0 2-1
21/09/2016 Blacktown City Demons Sydney 0-2 0-3
11/09/2016 Blacktown City Demons Sydney United 0-0 3-0
24/08/2016 Blacktown City Demons Bonnyrigg White Eagles 1-0 3-0
21/08/2016 Blacktown City Demons Manly United 0-0 4-1
07/08/2016 Blacktown City Demons APIA Leichhardt Tigers 0-0 1-2
24/07/2016 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-0
03/07/2016 Blacktown City Demons Hakoah Sydney City 0-0 3-2
Date Home Rival HT FT
12/06/2024 St. George Saints Rockdale City Suns 0-2 1-4
17/05/2024 Central Coast II Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-2
04/05/2024 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-1 0-3
21/04/2024 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 2-1 3-2
07/04/2024 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-1 1-2
23/03/2024 Hills Brumbies Rockdale City Suns 0-2 0-3
09/03/2024 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 1-1 1-1
03/03/2024 Western Sydney W. II Rockdale City Suns 1-3 2-3
18/08/2023 Sydney II Rockdale City Suns 1-1 2-2
06/08/2023 Central Coast II Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-2
16/07/2023 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-3 3-3
01/07/2023 Western Sydney W. II Rockdale City Suns 3-2 3-3
17/06/2023 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
03/06/2023 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 1-2 2-2
14/05/2023 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-2
29/04/2023 NWS Spirit FC Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
19/04/2023 Bulls Rockdale City Suns 1-0 2-1
15/04/2023 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 3-0 3-1
10/03/2023 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-3 1-3
26/02/2023 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
12/02/2023 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 3-0 6-0
04/02/2023 St George City FA Rockdale City Suns 2-3 3-4
31/07/2022 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 1-0 3-1
16/07/2022 North Shore Mariners Rockdale City Suns 1-0 2-1
01/07/2022 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-2 1-2
17/06/2022 Mt Druitt Town Rockdale City Suns 0-1 1-1
04/06/2022 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 2-0 2-0
08/05/2022 Sydney II Rockdale City Suns 0-3 3-4
23/04/2022 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-2 0-3
26/03/2022 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 0-1 2-2
13/03/2022 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
20/06/2021 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
04/06/2021 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 2-0 3-0
23/05/2021 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 2-0 2-2
16/05/2021 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
01/05/2021 Mt Druitt Town Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
17/04/2021 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-2 0-4
10/04/2021 North Shore Mariners Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
28/03/2021 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 1-1 4-1
13/03/2021 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 2-1 3-3
04/10/2020 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 2-2 2-2
30/08/2020 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-0
15/08/2020 Mt Druitt Town Rockdale City Suns 0-3 0-3
31/07/2020 Manly United Rockdale City Suns - 0-0
07/03/2020 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
28/07/2019 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
06/07/2019 Sydney II Rockdale City Suns 0-1 3-1
30/06/2019 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-0
15/06/2019 Mt Druitt Town Rockdale City Suns 2-0 2-0
09/06/2019 Hakoah Sydney City Rockdale City Suns 0-2 0-4
18/05/2019 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 1-1 1-1
11/05/2019 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-1 0-1
28/04/2019 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
07/04/2019 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 2-0 4-0
16/03/2019 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 1-0 1-2
10/03/2019 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-0
25/08/2018 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 8-2
18/08/2018 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
05/08/2018 Hakoah Sydney City Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-0
29/07/2018 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
24/06/2018 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 4-1
09/06/2018 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
19/05/2018 Sydney II Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-0
28/04/2018 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-1
22/04/2018 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-2
14/04/2018 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-3
31/03/2018 Bonnyrigg White Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-4
18/03/2018 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-0
26/08/2017 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 5-0
20/08/2017 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-4
13/08/2017 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
30/07/2017 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
05/07/2017 Parramatta Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
25/06/2017 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-0
04/06/2017 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-2
14/05/2017 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-0
02/05/2017 Western NSW Mariners Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-4
29/04/2017 Bonnyrigg White Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-5
23/04/2017 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-3
15/04/2017 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
01/04/2017 Hakoah Sydney City Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-3
11/03/2017 Sydney II Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-2
07/08/2016 Sydney Olympic Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
24/07/2016 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-0
02/07/2016 APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-0
19/06/2016 Sydney United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 3-2
12/06/2016 South Coast Wolves Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-3
28/05/2016 Bonnyrigg White Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 4-2
22/05/2016 Parramatta Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
07/05/2016 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-4
09/04/2016 Blacktown Spartans FC Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-4
19/03/2016 Hakoah Sydney City Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
29/04/2015 Sydney University Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-2
15/09/2013 Bonnyrigg White Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-0
10/08/2013 Central Coast M. Academy Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-5
13/07/2013 Bonnyrigg White Eagles Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-1
30/06/2013 Manly United Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-3
16/06/2013 Marconi Stallions Rockdale City Suns 0-0 1-0
01/06/2013 Blacktown City Demons Rockdale City Suns 0-0 0-1
25/05/2013 Sutherland Sharks Rockdale City Suns 0-0 2-2

23 June 2024 Sunday, Australia NPL NSW match Blacktown City Demons vs. Rockdale City Suns Football Team Comparison h2h and prediction.

Blacktown City Demons vs. Rockdale City Suns football matches are analyzing in detail, and results are giving from our team comparison page.

Blacktown City Demons match analysis is again analyzed only according to matches played at home.

Rockdale City Suns match analysis is again only analyzed matches played away.

Team comparisons included in Rockdale City Suns match Blacktown City Demons allow in-depth statistics for the score and first-half match result, total goals, BTTS Yes, BTTS No, according to the results of the match, the results of the first half.

Blacktown City Demons vs Rockdale City Suns, the statistics of their games head to head are ranked from high percentage to down.