Esporte Clube Juventude vs CR Vasco da Gama - H2H Team Comparison

20 June 2024 Thursday, Brazil Serie A, Esporte Clube Juventude vs. CR Vasco da Gama you can follow the detailed team comparison h2h for the soccer match on our page.

Esporte Clube Juventude Percent
Home Matches
FT 4.5 Under 95%
HT Under 2.5 93%
FT 0.5 Over 89%
3.5 Under 84%
HT Under 1.5 80%
Double chance 1/X 75%
Double chance 1/2 67%
1.5 Over 61%
2.5 Under 59%
Double chance X/2 58%
FT Odd 58%
HT Over 0.5 57%
GG / BTTS No 52%
Half Time X 50%
GG / BTTS Yes 48%
Total Goals 2-3 45%
HT Under 0.5 43%
Full Time 1 42%
FT Even 42%
2.5 Over 41%
1.5 Under 39%
Total Goals 0-1 39%
Full Time X 33%
Half Time 1 31%
Full Time 2 25%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 23%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 21%
HT Over 1.5 20%
Correct Score 1-0 20%
Half Time 2 19%
3.5 Over 16%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 16%
Total Goals 4-5 16%
Correct Score 1-1 15%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 13%
FT 0.5 Under 11%
Correct Score 0-0 11%
Correct Score 1-2 10%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 9%
Correct Score 2-1 9%
Correct Score 0-1 8%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 7%
HT Over 2.5 7%
Correct Score 2-2 7%
FT 4.5 Over 5%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 5%
Correct Score 2-0 5%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 3%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 3%
Correct Score 3-0 3%
Correct Score 0-3 3%
Correct Score 2-3 3%
Correct Score 3-1 2%
Correct Score 3-2 1%
Correct Score 4-0 1%
Correct Score 5-0 1%
Correct Score 1-3 1%
FT 5.5 Over 0%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 4-1 0%
Correct Score 4-2 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-2 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
CR Vasco da Gama Percent
Away Matches
FT 0.5 Over 93%
FT 4.5 Under 93%
HT Under 2.5 88%
3.5 Under 77%
Double chance 1/X 77%
1.5 Over 70%
Double chance 1/2 68%
HT Over 0.5 68%
HT Under 1.5 66%
2.5 Under 62%
FT Even 56%
Double chance X/2 55%
GG / BTTS No 51%
GG / BTTS Yes 49%
Total Goals 2-3 47%
Full Time 1 45%
FT Odd 44%
Half Time X 43%
2.5 Over 38%
Half Time 1 38%
HT Over 1.5 34%
HT Under 0.5 32%
Full Time X 32%
1.5 Under 30%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 30%
Total Goals 0-1 30%
3.5 Over 23%
Full Time 2 23%
Total Goals 4-5 23%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 20%
Half Time 2 19%
Correct Score 1-1 18%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 15%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 13%
Correct Score 1-0 13%
HT Over 2.5 12%
Correct Score 2-0 11%
Correct Score 0-1 10%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 8%
FT 0.5 Under 7%
FT 4.5 Over 7%
Correct Score 2-1 7%
Correct Score 0-0 7%
Correct Score 2-2 7%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 6%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 6%
Correct Score 3-0 5%
Correct Score 3-1 4%
Correct Score 4-1 3%
Correct Score 0-2 3%
Correct Score 1-2 3%
Correct Score 1-3 3%
Correct Score 2-3 3%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 2%
FT 5.5 Over 1%
Correct Score 4-0 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 0-4 1%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 0%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 3-2 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-3 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
12/06/2024 Esporte Clube Juventude Vitoria FC 1-1 1-1
29/04/2024 Esporte Clube Juventude Athletico Paranaense 1-0 1-1
18/04/2024 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Corinthians 0-0 2-0
18/11/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Ponte Preta 0-0 0-0
04/11/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Ituano 1-0 2-1
22/10/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Londrina 1-2 2-2
30/09/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Criciuma E.C. 0-0 1-0
17/09/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) 0-0 3-1
20/08/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Sampaio Corrêa FC 0-0 0-0
03/08/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Novorizontino 1-0 1-0
23/07/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Ceara FC 0-0 1-0
15/07/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude ABC 0-1 1-1
12/06/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Tombense 0-0 1-2
03/06/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude avai 2-1 3-2
25/05/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Atlético GO FC 2-0 3-0
13/05/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Mirassol 0-0 0-1
04/05/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Guarani 1-0 1-0
16/04/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Botafogo SP 0-1 1-2
11/03/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Brasil de Pelotas 1-0 1-0
17/02/2023 Esporte Clube Juventude Aimoré 0-0 2-1
10/11/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Flamengo 2-1 2-2
03/11/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Coritiba 0-0 0-1
23/10/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Sao Paulo 1-1 1-2
17/10/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Atlético GO FC 0-0 1-1
05/10/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Corinthians 0-1 2-2
19/09/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Fortaleza FC 0-1 1-1
03/09/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude avai 0-0 1-1
21/08/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Botafogo 1-0 2-2
06/08/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude América Mineiro 0-1 0-1
24/07/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Ceara FC 0-0 1-0
17/07/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Goias ES 0-0 0-0
02/07/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Clube Atlético Mineiro 0-1 1-2
15/06/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Santos FC 1-0 1-2
09/06/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Athletico Paranaense 1-1 1-3
05/06/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Fluminense FC 1-0 1-0
22/05/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Palmeiras 0-2 0-3
09/05/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Internacional 0-0 1-1
25/04/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Cuiaba 0-0 0-1
21/04/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Sao Paulo 2-0 2-2
12/04/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Red Bull Bragantino 1-1 2-2
07/03/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Guarany de Bagé 1-0 2-0
26/02/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Caxias 0-0 0-0
11/02/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Ypİranga Erechim 0-0 0-0
04/02/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude Novo Hamburgo 0-0 1-1
26/01/2022 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Internacional 0-0 1-2
10/12/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Corinthians 0-0 1-0
01/12/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Red Bull Bragantino 1-0 1-0
18/11/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Fluminense FC 1-0 1-0
11/11/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Internacional 0-0 2-1
31/10/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Bahia BA 0-0 0-0
23/10/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Ceara FC 0-0 0-0
26/09/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Santos FC 1-0 3-0
11/09/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Cuiaba 0-1 1-2
29/08/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Sao Paulo 0-0 1-1
22/08/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Fortaleza FC 0-1 1-1
08/08/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Clube Atlético Mineiro 1-0 1-2
27/07/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Chapecoense 1-0 1-0
11/07/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Atlético GO FC 0-0 1-1
27/06/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Flamengo 1-0 1-0
21/06/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Sport Recife 0-0 1-0
17/06/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Palmeiras 0-0 0-3
07/06/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Athletico Paranaense 0-0 0-3
02/05/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Internacional 0-0 1-0
25/04/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Brasil de Pelotas 2-0 2-1
02/04/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Aimoré 1-0 1-0
26/03/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude gremio 0-1 2-1
13/03/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Pelotas 1-1 2-3
05/03/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude São Luiz 0-2 1-2
22/01/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Figueirense 0-0 2-1
17/01/2021 Esporte Clube Juventude Cruzeiro 1-0 1-0
30/12/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Ponte Preta 0-0 2-1
19/12/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude CSA 1-0 1-0
08/12/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Oeste 1-1 2-2
05/12/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Chapecoense 0-0 1-1
29/11/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Nautico PE 0-0 1-0
21/11/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Paraná 3-0 5-0
15/11/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Sampaio Corrêa FC 1-2 2-3
06/11/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude gremio 0-0 0-1
02/11/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Guarani 1-0 1-0
21/10/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude avai 1-0 3-0
10/10/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Brasil de Pelotas 0-2 1-2
07/10/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Cuiaba 0-1 1-1
30/09/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Operário PR 0-0 1-0
17/09/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) 1-0 2-0
15/09/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Vitoria FC 1-0 1-1
09/09/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude AD Confiança 0-1 3-1
29/08/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Botafogo SP 0-0 0-0
18/08/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude América Mineiro 0-0 0-0
08/08/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) 1-1 2-1
29/07/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Esportivo 2-1 2-3
23/07/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Caxias 1-0 2-0
12/03/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude América RN 0-1 1-1
07/03/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude EC São José 0-0 0-1
08/02/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Ypİranga Erechim 0-0 0-0
30/01/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude Novo Hamburgo 0-0 0-0
24/01/2020 Esporte Clube Juventude SC Internacional 0-1 0-1
16/09/2019 Esporte Clube Juventude Nautico PE 0-1 2-1
10/09/2019 Esporte Clube Juventude Imperatriz 3-0 4-0
26/08/2019 Esporte Clube Juventude Ypİranga Erechim 0-0 0-1
09/08/2019 Esporte Clube Juventude Tombense 0-0 2-0
Date Home Rival HT FT
14/06/2024 Palmeiras CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-0
05/05/2024 Athletico Paranaense CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-0
02/05/2024 Fortaleza FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
20/04/2024 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-1
18/04/2024 Red Bull Bragantino CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-1
04/12/2023 gremio CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
26/11/2023 Athletico Paranaense CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
23/11/2023 Cruzeiro CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-2
02/11/2023 Cuiaba CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-2
29/10/2023 Goias ES CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-1
22/10/2023 Flamengo CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
01/10/2023 Santos FC CR Vasco da Gama 3-1 4-1
26/09/2023 América Mineiro CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-1
04/09/2023 Bahia BA CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-1
28/08/2023 Palmeiras CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
15/08/2023 Red Bull Bragantino CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-1
30/07/2023 SC Corinthians CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 3-1
11/06/2023 SC Internacional CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-1
27/05/2023 Fortaleza FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 2-0
21/05/2023 Sao Paulo CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 4-2
12/05/2023 Coritiba CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-1
07/05/2023 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 1-1
16/04/2023 Clube Atlético Mineiro CR Vasco da Gama 1-2 1-2
24/02/2023 Trem CR Vasco da Gama 0-2 0-4
13/02/2023 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 2-0
08/02/2023 Nova Iguaçu CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-2
07/11/2022 Ituano CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-1
16/10/2022 Sport Recife CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-1
05/10/2022 Operário PR CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-3
22/09/2022 Cruzeiro CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 3-0
11/09/2022 gremio CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-1
03/09/2022 Brusque CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-0
28/08/2022 Bahia BA CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-1
19/08/2022 CSA CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 2-0
10/08/2022 Ponte Preta CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 3-1
23/07/2022 Vila Nova FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
16/07/2022 Sampaio Corrêa FC CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 3-1
09/07/2022 Criciuma E.C. CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-1
30/06/2022 Novorizontino CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-0
18/06/2022 Londrina CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-1
08/06/2022 Nautico PE CR Vasco da Gama 0-2 2-3
20/05/2022 Guarani CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
02/05/2022 Tombense CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-1
23/04/2022 Chapecoense CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
17/04/2022 Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-1
20/03/2022 Flamengo CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
10/03/2022 Juazeirense CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-1
03/03/2022 Ferroviária CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-1
26/02/2022 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 2-0
21/02/2022 Audax Rio EC RJ CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-1
06/02/2022 Madureira CR Vasco da Gama 0-2 1-3
28/11/2021 Londrina CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 3-0
16/11/2021 Vila Nova FC CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-2
05/11/2021 Guarani CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
24/10/2021 Nautico PE CR Vasco da Gama 1-2 2-2
04/10/2021 AD Confiança CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-2
25/09/2021 Brusque CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-1
17/09/2021 Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 1-1
07/09/2021 avai CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 3-1
22/08/2021 Operário PR CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 2-0
14/08/2021 Remo CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-1
08/08/2021 Vitoria FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-1
01/08/2021 Botafogo CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-0
29/07/2021 Sao Paulo CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-0
22/07/2021 CSA CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 2-2
14/07/2021 Coritiba CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-1
01/07/2021 Goias ES CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
13/06/2021 Brasil de Pelotas CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 1-2
06/06/2021 Ponte Preta CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-1
02/06/2021 Boavista SC CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-1
16/05/2021 Botafogo CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-1
01/05/2021 Madureira CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
24/04/2021 Resende FC RJ CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-3
19/04/2021 Boavista SC CR Vasco da Gama 2-1 2-2
16/04/2021 Flamengo CR Vasco da Gama 0-2 1-3
31/03/2021 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 1-1
18/03/2021 Caldense CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 1-1
14/03/2021 Nova Iguaçu CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 2-2
07/03/2021 Volta Redonda F.C CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
21/02/2021 SC Corinthians CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
11/02/2021 Fortaleza FC CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 3-0
05/02/2021 Flamengo CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-0
27/01/2021 Palmeiras CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-1
21/01/2021 Red Bull Bragantino CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 4-1
08/01/2021 Atlético GO FC CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
28/12/2020 Athletico Paranaense CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 3-0
06/12/2020 gremio CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 4-0
27/11/2020 Defensa y Justicia CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-1
22/11/2020 Sao Paulo CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 1-1
14/11/2020 Sport Recife CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 0-2
05/11/2020 Caracas CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 0-0
02/11/2020 Goias ES CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 1-1
19/10/2020 SC Internacional CR Vasco da Gama 2-0 2-0
08/10/2020 Bahia BA CR Vasco da Gama 3-0 3-0
05/10/2020 Clube Atlético Mineiro CR Vasco da Gama 4-1 4-1
20/09/2020 Coritiba CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
18/09/2020 Botafogo CR Vasco da Gama 0-0 1-0
14/09/2020 Botafogo CR Vasco da Gama 0-1 2-3
03/09/2020 Santos FC CR Vasco da Gama 1-1 2-2
30/08/2020 Fluminense FC CR Vasco da Gama 1-0 2-1

20 June 2024 Thursday, Brazil Serie A match Esporte Clube Juventude vs. CR Vasco da Gama Football Team Comparison h2h and prediction.

Esporte Clube Juventude vs. CR Vasco da Gama football matches are analyzing in detail, and results are giving from our team comparison page.

Esporte Clube Juventude match analysis is again analyzed only according to matches played at home.

CR Vasco da Gama match analysis is again only analyzed matches played away.

Team comparisons included in CR Vasco da Gama match Esporte Clube Juventude allow in-depth statistics for the score and first-half match result, total goals, BTTS Yes, BTTS No, according to the results of the match, the results of the first half.

Esporte Clube Juventude vs CR Vasco da Gama, the statistics of their games head to head are ranked from high percentage to down.